Фікус каучуконосний розмноження

Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a versatile, resilient, and decorative houseplant that not only beautifies any interior but also helps purify the air from harmful impurities. If you are looking for effective propagation methods, optimal conditions for rooting, and detailed care tips, this article will be your reliable guide.

Advantages of the rubber plant

  • Ease of care: The rubber plant adapts to various lighting and temperature conditions, making it an excellent choice even for beginners.
  • Air purification: The plant actively removes formaldehyde, benzene, and other harmful substances from the air.
  • Decorativeness: Glossy leaves and a variety of cultivars (such as “Laura” and “Robusta”) allow for unique interior design.
  • Longevity: With proper care, the rubber plant can delight you with its green cover for decades.
  • Economic significance: Historically, the rubber plant has been used for the production of natural rubber, highlighting its importance.

Optimal conditions for propagation

To successfully propagate, it is important to create ideal conditions:

Parameter Optimal conditions Tips
Temperature 20-25°C Avoid temperatures below 15°C and sharp fluctuations
Humidity 60-80% Use a humidifier or a tray with water
Lighting Bright but diffused light Place near windows facing east or west, avoiding direct sunlight
Soil Light, well-drained Use a mix of universal soil with perlite or expanded clay

Such a table helps quickly orient in the requirements for propagating the rubber plant.

Methods of propagating the rubber plant

The rubber plant can be propagated in several ways:

1. Propagation by cuttings

  • What to do: Choose healthy stem or leaf cuttings 10-15 cm long, cut them at an angle to increase the rooting area.
  • How to place: Place the cuttings in water or moist substrate.
  • Advantages: Speed and simplicity of the method.

2. Air layering

  • What to do: Choose a stem, remove a portion of the bark to 1/3 of the diameter, wrap it in moist moss, and secure it with polyethylene.
  • How to care: Regularly moisten the moss; rooting can take from 2 to 6 weeks.
  • Advantages: Preservation of the mother plant.
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3. Propagation by seeds

  • What to do: Sow seeds on the surface of light, well-drained soil without burying them.
  • How to create a microclimate: Cover the container with a transparent plastic cover to create greenhouse conditions.
  • Advantages: The possibility of obtaining unique genetic variations, although this method is more labor-intensive.

4. Propagation by layering

  • What to do: Prepare the lower part of the branch, remove a few leaves, bury the branch at a slight angle.
  • How to care: Wait for new roots to appear, after which separate the new plant.
  • Advantages: A reliable way to obtain a living copy of the mother plant.

Care for rooted cuttings

After rooting the cuttings, it is important to provide them with optimal care:

  • Transplanting: Transfer each cutting to a separate pot (10-15 cm in diameter) with drainage holes.
  • Watering: Water when the top layer of soil dries out by 2-3 cm.
  • Lighting: Provide bright but diffused light to avoid burns.
  • Fertilizing: Start fertilizing 2-4 weeks after rooting, using a balanced fertilizer for houseplants.

Lighting and temperature regime

Optimal lighting and temperature conditions are key to the health of the rubber plant:

  • Lighting: 12-14 hours of bright but diffused light per day. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Temperature: The ideal range is 20-25°C. Below 15°C or above 27°C can cause plant stress.
  • Humidity: Maintain air humidity at 60-80% by using humidifiers or misting the leaves with warm water.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering schedule

Season Watering frequency Tips
Spring-Summer Every 5-7 days Water should be at room temperature; avoid water stagnation
Autumn-Winter Every 10-14 days Reduce the amount of water considering the decrease in plant activity


  • When to start: 4-6 weeks after transplanting or rooting.
  • What fertilizer: Use a balanced fertilizer for houseplants or special mixes for rubber plants.
  • Method: Alternate between liquid and granular fertilizers, controlling the concentration to avoid over-fertilization.
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Transplanting and pot selection

Transplanting is an important stage in the life cycle of the rubber plant:

  • Transplanting time: Spring is the optimal period after winter dormancy.
  • Pot selection: The pot should be 2-5 cm larger than the previous one and contain drainage holes.
  • Transplanting procedure:
    1. Prepare the new pot by filling it with drainage material (expanded clay, moss, or small stones).
    2. Carefully remove the plant, check the root system, and remove damaged or rotten roots.
    3. Place the rubber plant in the new pot, fill the space with fresh soil, and compact it with light pressure.
    4. After transplanting, be sure to water the plant to ensure proper soil moisture.

Common problems and their solutions

Even with careful care, problems may arise. Here are some typical symptoms and recommendations:

  • Leaf drop:

    • Causes: Excessive or insufficient watering, sharp temperature changes.
    • Solution: Check the soil moisture, adjust the watering schedule, and avoid drafts.
  • Yellowing leaves:

    • Causes: Incorrect lighting or excessive direct sunlight.
    • Solution: Move the plant to a place with diffused light or reduce direct sunlight exposure.
  • Pests (spider mites, scale insects):

    • Causes: Insufficient attention to regular plant inspection.
    • Solution: Treat the plant with natural insecticides or a mild soap solution, thoroughly cleaning the leaves.
  • Dry air:

    • Causes: Low humidity indoors.
    • Solution: Use a humidifier or mist the leaves with warm water.

Additional tips and useful tables

Recommendations for propagating by cuttings

Stage Actions Tips
Choosing cuttings Choose healthy shoots with active growth (10-15 cm) Cut the cuttings at an angle to increase the contact area with the soil
Preparing the environment Use clean tools, sterilize containers, prepare moist substrate or water Ensure optimal temperature (20-25°C) and humidity (60-80%)
Rooting Wait for new leaves to appear within 2-4 weeks Regularly check the soil moisture and the condition of the cuttings
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Additional care tips

  • Regular leaf cleaning: Wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth to ensure optimal photosynthesis.
  • Adaptation to new conditions: Gradually change the plant’s location to avoid stress.
  • Monitoring development: Record changes in the plant (leaf color, root growth) and adjust care according to needs.


1. How often should the rubber plant be watered?
Watering should be done when the top layer of soil dries out by 2-3 cm. In spring and summer – every 5-7 days, in winter – every 10-14 days.

2. Can the rubber plant be propagated by seeds?
Yes, but this method is more labor-intensive. Seeds are sown on the surface of light soil and greenhouse conditions are created for germination.

3. How to avoid leaf burns?
Place the rubber plant in a location with bright but diffused light. Direct sunlight can cause burns.

4. What to do if pests appear?
Regularly inspect the plant. If pests are found, treat the leaves with natural insecticides or a mild soap solution.

5. When is the best time to transplant the rubber plant?
The optimal time for transplanting is spring, when the plant begins to grow actively after the winter period. Use pots that are 2-5 cm larger than the previous ones.


The rubber plant is not just a decoration for your home or office, but a true “filter” of the air that can change the atmosphere of the room. Careful planning of propagation conditions, proper watering and fertilizing dosages, as well as attention to detail will help keep the plant healthy and beautiful for many years. By following our recommendations, you will be able to enjoy not only the aesthetic appeal of the rubber plant but also its benefits for your health and comfort.

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