Пеперомія догляд: секрети успішного вирощування рослини

Peperomia is not just a decorative plant, but a true natural elixir capable of transforming any space. Thanks to its compact size, vibrant fleshy leaves, and ability to purify the air, it is ideal for apartments and offices. In this article, we will explore all the nuances of caring for peperomia – from choosing the optimal location to dealing with diseases and propagation. We also offer practical tables and answers to the most common questions.

Main characteristics and advantages of peperomia

Before diving into the intricacies of care, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main characteristics of this plant:

Indicator Description
Family Piperaceae
Number of species Over 1000
Leaves Fleshy, glossy, in various shades and with unique patterns
Size Compact, up to 30 cm in height, ideal for small spaces
Drought resistance Store moisture in the leaves, resistant to short-term droughts
Air purification Effectively removes harmful impurities, improves the microclimate indoors

This brief overview helps to understand why peperomia has become one of the favorite plants for indoor cultivation.

Choosing optimal conditions for peperomia

Location and lighting

  • Light:
    Peperomia prefers bright but diffused light. Place the plant near windows facing east or west. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns.

  • Temperature:
    The ideal temperature range is from 18 to 24 °C. Avoid sharp temperature fluctuations and drafts.

  • Humidity:
    For comfortable growth, the plant requires average to high humidity. In winter, when the air becomes drier, use a humidifier or mist water around the plant.

Indicator Recommendations
Light Bright, diffused, without direct sunlight
Temperature 18-24 °C, avoid drafts
Humidity Medium to high, additional humidity may be needed
Location Quiet corners with little movement
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Watering and fertilization

  • Watering:
    Water peperomia when the top layer of soil (2-3 cm) is dry. In warm periods, this is once a week; in winter, once every two weeks. Use room temperature settled water and avoid water stagnation in the saucer.

  • Fertilization:
    Use liquid universal fertilizers with an N-P-K formula (for example, 3:1:2) during active growth – from spring to autumn. In winter, reduce the amount of fertilizer.

Aspect Recommendations
Watering frequency Summer: once a week; winter: once every two weeks
Type of water Settled, room temperature
Fertilization Liquid universal fertilizers, organic additives (compost, humus); reduce in winter

Repotting, propagation, and dealing with diseases

Repotting peperomia

Repotting is done once a year, preferably in spring. The main steps include:

  • Choosing a pot that is 1-2 cm larger.
  • Carefully removing the plant and untangling the roots.
  • Filling with fresh, light, well-draining soil.
Stage Actions
Choosing a pot A pot that is 1-2 cm larger, with drainage holes
Preparing the soil Light, with the addition of sand or perlite
Removing the plant Water the plant before repotting for easier removal from the pot
Root treatment Carefully untangle tangled roots
Final watering Moderate watering after repotting to avoid water stagnation



  1. Choose a healthy stem 10-15 cm long.
  2. Cut at a 45° angle using a sterile tool.
  3. Root the cutting in water or soil, monitoring humidity.
  4. Change the water every few days if choosing the water method.

Seed propagation

  1. Prepare light soil with good drainage.
  2. Evenly distribute the seeds on the surface without burying them.
  3. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover with film to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. After 2-4 weeks, remove the cover after the seedlings appear.
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Diseases and pests

Main threats:

  • Root rot: Caused by overwatering.
  • Mealybugs: Treat with insecticidal agents or alcohol treatments.
  • Spider mites: Increase humidity and use acaricides.
  • Gray mold: Reduce humidity and improve ventilation.
Problem Main measures
Root rot Reduce watering, check drainage
Mealybugs Insecticidal treatments, alcohol treatment of leaves
Spider mites Increase humidity, special mite treatments
Gray mold Reduce humidity, improve aeration, fungicidal treatments

FAQ – Frequently asked questions about peperomia care

1. How often should peperomia be watered?
Water when the top layer of soil (2-3 cm) is dry. Summer schedule – about once a week, winter – once every two weeks.

2. Can peperomia be propagated from seeds?
Yes, but cuttings are an easier and faster method for obtaining new plants.

3. What lighting is best for peperomia?
Peperomia loves bright but diffused light. It is best to place it near windows facing east or west.

4. What to do if the leaves of peperomia start to yellow?
Yellow leaves can indicate both overwatering and underwatering. Check the condition of the soil, lighting, and fertilization of the plant.

5. How to prevent pests on peperomia?
Regularly inspect the plant, clean the leaves of dust, ensure proper aeration, and follow the recommended watering schedule.


By following all the care recommendations for peperomia – proper placement, optimal watering, fertilization, repotting, and disease prevention – you can enjoy this wonderful plant for many years. Remember that each peperomia is unique, so carefully observe its condition and adapt care according to its needs.

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