Як пересадити фікус

Why is it important to repot a ficus?

Ficus is one of the most popular houseplants, as it has an attractive appearance and is considered relatively easy to care for. However, even such a resilient green favorite requires regular repotting — usually once every 2–3 years. This allows:

  1. To refresh the soil and provide the roots with enough nutrients.
  2. To avoid root system overcrowding and rot if the ficus has “outgrown” its pot.
  3. To create better conditions for growth, especially before the active growing season.

If you notice that your plant is getting cramped (roots are visible from the drainage holes, there are watering issues, the soil dries out quickly or, conversely, poorly absorbs water), it’s time to think about how to properly repot a ficus.

When to repot a ficus?

Many gardeners wonder: “When can I repot a ficus?” and “What is the best time?”

  • Optimal time: Spring or early summer, when the ficus enters the phase of active growth. The plant adapts more quickly to the new substrate, rapidly growing roots and foliage.
  • Unfavorable period: Winter and late autumn, when the ficus goes into a dormant state. During this time, repotting can be stressful for it, slowing growth and causing leaf drop.

However, if the plant is clearly suffering: roots are rotting, the pot is too tight, or pests have appeared, emergency repotting may be justified even in winter.

How to properly repot a ficus: step-by-step instructions

In the matter of “how to properly repot a ficus”, several steps are crucial. Below is a detailed algorithm suitable for most species, including Benjamin ficus.

1. Preparing the soil and pot

  1. Choosing the soil:

    • You can take a universal mix for houseplants with neutral acidity (pH 6–7).
    • For better aeration, add vermiculite or perlite (about 10–15% of the total soil volume).
    • If possible, find a special substrate for ficuses with the addition of peat and sand.
  2. Choosing the pot:

    • Choose a container that is 2–3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.
    • The bottom of the pot should have drainage holes for excess moisture to escape.
    • The material of the pot (plastic, ceramic, etc.) is not very important, the main thing is that the plant has enough space.
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2. Removing the plant from the old pot

  • Before repotting, water the ficus moderately 1–2 hours beforehand to soften the substrate.
  • Carefully, holding the trunk, tilt the pot and loosen the soil around the walls.
  • Remove the plant along with the root ball, trying not to damage the roots.

3. Inspect the root system

  • If you notice damaged or rotten roots, carefully cut them with a disinfected knife (you can wipe it with alcohol).
  • Healthy roots are usually light or whitish at the cut.

4. Planting in a new pot

  1. Place a drainage layer (expanded clay, gravel, or broken pottery) 1–2 cm thick at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Add a thin layer of fresh soil on top of the drainage.
  3. Position the ficus in the center of the pot so that the root collar (the place where the trunk transitions to the roots) is slightly below the edge of the pot.
  4. Fill in the roots with soil, gently pressing down with your hands. Do not fill the pot to the brim — leave 1–2 cm for easy watering.

5. Watering and initial care

  • After repotting, water the ficus with a moderate amount of water, wait for the excess to drain into the saucer, and pour out the excess water.
  • Place the plant in a warm, bright location, but out of direct sunlight.
  • For the first 1–2 weeks, avoid overwatering and fertilizing, so the roots can strengthen in the new substrate.

How to repot a Benjamin ficus: features

Benjamin ficus is one of the most common species for indoor gardening. How to repot a Benjamin ficus? Almost the same as other ficuses, but pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Sensitivity to changes: the plant may drop leaves due to sudden changes in conditions (temperature, lighting) and from drying out or overwatering the soil.
  2. Pot size: Benjamin ficus does not like pots that are too large; it is better to change the container gradually to avoid water stagnation.
  3. Moisture control: mist the leaves with warm settled water, especially in the first weeks after repotting.
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Repotting frequency table depending on the age of the ficus

Age of ficus Recommended repotting frequency Pot diameter (difference)
Less than 2 years Every year (with rapid growth) +2 cm from the previous
2–5 years Once every 2 years +2–3 cm from the previous
Over 5 years Once every 2–3 years +3–4 cm from the previous

Tip: If the ficus is very tall and repotting into a new pot becomes inconvenient, you can limit yourself to refreshing the top layer of soil by 3–5 cm twice a year.

Common mistakes when repotting a ficus

  1. Too large a pot: This often leads to water stagnation and root rot.
  2. Using heavy, impermeable substrate: Roots can suffocate without proper air circulation.
  3. Overwatering immediately after repotting: The plant is weakened, so excess moisture can cause root rot.
  4. Repotting in winter without necessity: The ficus is in a dormant state, which increases the risk of diseases and leaf drop.

Care after repotting a ficus

  1. Lighting: Bright but diffused light. Avoid direct sunlight, especially in summer.
  2. Watering: Regular, but moderate. Check the soil moisture at a depth of 2–3 cm before the next watering.
  3. Humidity: In dry air, mist the leaves more often or use a humidifier.
  4. Fertilizing: Start fertilizing with special fertilizers for ficuses or universal ones for decorative-leaved plants 3–4 weeks after repotting.
  5. Temperature: The optimal range is +18…+25 °C. Avoid sharp fluctuations, drafts, and very cold windowsills.

FAQ: answers to popular questions

  1. Can I repot a ficus in winter?
    It is advisable to wait until spring or early summer. In winter, repotting is only possible in case of extreme necessity (for example, root rot or pests).

  2. How to tell when it’s time to repot a ficus?
    Main signs: roots are visible from the drainage holes, the soil dries out quickly or, conversely, water stagnates, the plant hardly grows, and there are problems with the leaves.

  3. Should I trim the roots during repotting?
    If they are healthy, it’s better not to touch them. Only shorten and remove damaged or rotten parts.

  4. Can I repot a ficus immediately after purchase?
    In the store, plants are often in transport substrate. If the ficus looks healthy, wait 1–2 weeks for acclimatization. Then you can repot it into a permanent pot with fresh substrate.

  5. What to do if the ficus drops leaves after repotting?
    Leaf drop may be a stress response to the change of location and soil. Provide stable conditions (temperature, moderate watering, enough light), and avoid drafts. With proper care, the plant will recover.

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Repotting a ficus is an important procedure that directly affects the health and beauty of the plant. When to repot a ficus? The best time is spring or early summer when it is actively growing and can better handle stress. The right choice of pot, well-drained soil, and moderate watering are three key factors for successful repotting.

If Benjamin ficus or another type of ficus has already “outgrown” its pot, don’t delay: prepare the necessary materials and follow the step-by-step instructions for repotting. Take care of the plant after its “move,” and it will reward you with lush green foliage and long-lasting growth.

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