Як правильно щепити фікус

Ficus are popular plants for decorating home and office spaces. Their high decorative value and ease of care make them desirable for many gardeners. One of the methods of propagating ficus is grafting. Grafting allows for the creation of a new plant that has hybrid characteristics of the parent plants.

Grafting ficus is the process of joining two plants, where one, called the rootstock, has strong roots, and the other, called the scion, has the desired variety of ficus. This process allows for the creation of a new plant hybrid that combines the best qualities of both plants.

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Steps for grafting ficus:

  1. Choosing the rootstock: The first step in grafting ficus is choosing the rootstock. The rootstock should have strong and healthy roots. It is recommended to choose young shoots or large modified leaves from the lower part of the plant. Make sure that the rootstock shows no signs of disease or damage.
  2. Choosing the scion: The next step is to choose the scion or the plant you want to graft onto the rootstock. General rules for selecting the scion are to choose a healthy, undamaged, strong plant. It is also important to consider the quality characteristics of the variety.
  3. Preparing materials: Before starting the grafting, prepare the right tools. You will need sharp scissors or a sharp scalpel to cut the tip of the scion. You will also need garden glue, paraffin, or grafting tape to secure the scion to the rootstock.
  4. Cutting the rootstock: Using a sharp knife or scalpel, carefully make a cut on the rootstock about 2.5-5 cm long. The cut should be made at an angle of about 45 degrees. The inner layer of the cut should be green.
  5. Cutting the scion: Turn to your scion and make a similar cut so that it matches the shape and size of the cut on the rootstock. Insert the scion into the rootstock so that the cambium layers, the inner layer of the cut, touch each other.
  6. Securing the scion: To secure the scion to the rootstock, use garden glue, paraffin, or grafting tape. Apply glue or melted paraffin around the junction of the scion and rootstock. Ensure that the scion is securely attached and does not move.
  7. Creating a greenhouse atmosphere: Grafting ficus requires certain humidity and warmth. Place the grafting in a humid environment, such as a greenhouse or plastic wrap. This will create favorable conditions for the development of the graft.
  8. Caring for the graft: After grafting, it is important to care for the newly created plant. Provide adequate lighting and humidity. Regularly check the softening of the glue or paraffin, and if necessary, reapply to the scion.
  9. Transplanting: Once the graft has rooted, it can be transplanted into a separate pot or open ground.
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Concluding words

Grafting ficus is an effective way to propagate this beautiful plant. Through grafting, you can obtain a new plant with desired characteristics. It is important to consider each step of the grafting process and provide proper care for the newly created ficus.

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