розмножити Фікус Бенджаміна

Benjamin Ficus (Ficus benjamina) is one of the most popular houseplants among gardeners. Its dense foliage, elegant branches, and ability to purify the air make this plant desirable in homes and offices. A common question arises: how to propagate Benjamin Ficus and obtain new healthy seedlings?

In this article, we will discuss:

  • The main methods of propagation: cuttings, apical cuttings, and division of the root system.
  • Detailed care steps for new plants.
  • Common mistakes that can occur at various stages.

You will also find useful tips, comparison tables of methods, and FAQ that will help avoid the most common problems and questions during the propagation process.

When is the best time to propagate Benjamin Ficus

The optimal time for propagation is from spring to early summer, when the plant is actively growing. Warm weather and sufficient light stimulate root formation and speed up rooting. If you plan to propagate in winter or late autumn, be sure to provide warm conditions and additional lighting so that the plant does not “sleep” during the rooting process.

Method 1: Propagation through cuttings

This method is the most popular and is suitable when you need to obtain several seedlings at once.

Steps for successful cuttings

  1. Choosing a branch: select a healthy branch without damage or disease.
  2. Cutting: with a sharp knife, cut the shoot at an angle of about 45° to a length of 10–15 cm.
  3. Processing the cut: to speed up rooting, you can use a rooting hormone.
  4. Preparing the substrate: it is best to use loose fertile soil or a mixture of peat and perlite. The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged.
  5. Planting: bury the cutting in the substrate by 2–3 cm, removing the lower leaves to avoid rotting.
  6. Creating a mini-greenhouse: cover the cutting with a transparent bag or a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off to retain moisture.
  7. Optimal conditions: place the pot in a warm location with a temperature of 21–24 °C and diffused light.
  8. Care: ventilate the greenhouse daily to prevent mold. Water regularly but moderately.
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How to root in water (alternative option)

Some gardeners first root cuttings in water. To do this:

  1. Submerge the lower part of the cutting in water.
  2. Leave it in a place with sufficient light (but without direct sunlight).
  3. Change the water every 3–4 days to avoid rotting.
  4. When roots of 2–3 cm appear, you can transplant into soil.

Method 2: Propagation through apical cuttings

An apical (top) cutting is a cut from the top part of the plant along with a few leaves. This method is similar to regular cuttings, but specifically involves the top.

Action algorithm

  1. Cutting: carefully cut the top (about 10 cm) along with a few leaves.
  2. Preparation: remove the lower leaves and treat the cut with rooting hormone.
  3. Planting: bury the cut end in moist substrate or initially place it in water (as per the previous method).
  4. Creating greenhouse conditions: cover with a bag or jar, placing it in a warm, bright location.
  5. Watering and care: monitor moisture, water carefully, and maintain a temperature of 21–24 °C.
  6. Transplanting: when new roots appear and leaves start to grow, transplant into a larger pot.

The advantage of the apical cutting is that the top of the plant grows most actively and has more growth hormones, so rooting may be faster.

Method 3: Propagation through division of the root ball

If your Benjamin Ficus has grown to the point where it has several separate trunks, or the roots have filled the entire pot, you can use the method of dividing the root system.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Removing the plant: carefully take the ficus out of the pot, avoiding root damage.
  2. Dividing: with a sharp knife or pruner, divide the root ball so that each part has its own trunk and roots.
  3. Processing the cuts: it is advisable to treat the cut areas with a fungicide or activated charcoal to prevent rot.
  4. Replanting: plant each part in a separate pot with appropriate soil.
  5. Watering and care: water to compact the substrate and place in a location with moderate lighting for 1–2 days. Then you can move it to a brighter location.
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This method provides instant multiple formed plants, as it divides an already existing root system. However, care must be taken not to damage the roots and cause disease.

Comparison table of propagation methods

Method Difficulty Rooting time Risk of rotting Number of new plants Features
Cuttings Medium 3–6 weeks Moderate High The most common and versatile method
Apical cuttings Low 2–4 weeks Moderate Medium Faster rooting due to growth hormones in the apex
Division of the root ball High Instant (roots already exist) Low Number depends on the size of the bush Important to carefully separate the roots, suitable for mature plants

Care for rooted plants

After the ficus has formed roots and you have transplanted it into a pot, it is important to create optimal conditions for it to grow actively and remain healthy.

  1. Lighting: ficuses love bright, diffused light. Avoid direct sunlight in the first weeks.
  2. Watering: water moderately. Check the soil: if the top layer is dry by 2–3 cm, it’s time to water.
  3. Humidity: ficuses enjoy increased humidity, so you can mist the leaves or place a humidifier nearby.
  4. Temperature: ideal range is 18–26 °C. Avoid sharp fluctuations and drafts.
  5. Fertilizing: feed the ficus with liquid fertilizers for ornamental foliage plants once every 2–3 weeks during the active growth period (spring-summer).

Common mistakes during propagation

  1. Overwatering: leads to rotting of cuttings and roots.
  2. Incorrect substrate: too dense soil or lack of drainage retains water.
  3. Insufficient lighting: the ficus may take a long time to root or even stop growing.
  4. Low temperature: in cold conditions, rooting slows down or does not occur at all.
  5. Lack of greenhouse conditions (for cuttings): small cuttings can dry out without sufficient moisture.

Useful tips

  • Trimming leaves: large leaves should be trimmed slightly to reduce moisture evaporation and facilitate rooting.
  • Fresh cut: make the cut with a sharp and disinfected tool to avoid infection.
  • Regular inspections: check the condition of the cuttings or transplanted parts of the ficus to notice diseases or rot in time.
  • Growth stimulants: if the ficus is having difficulty rooting, use special preparations (e.g., “Kornevin”).
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How to propagate Benjamin Ficus the easiest way?

The easiest way is cuttings. Cut a shoot, root it in water or substrate, creating greenhouse conditions.

2. Why is my ficus taking a long time to root?

There are several reasons: low temperature, insufficient humidity, weak lighting, or poor-quality soil. Check all these factors and adjust care.

3. Can I propagate ficus in winter?

Yes, but the process may be slower due to shorter daylight and lower temperatures. Provide additional lighting and warmth.

4. How to tell if the cutting has successfully rooted?

The main signs are: the appearance of new leaves, as well as roots (if rooted in water). In soil, new growth indicates success.

5. Which rooting stimulant is best to use?

There are various products (“Kornevin”, “Heteroauxin”, etc.). Choose at your discretion, the main thing is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. How to transplant ficus if it is very large?

If the ficus has several trunks or has grown too large, use division of the root ball. Carefully divide the plant into parts and plant separately.


You can propagate Benjamin Ficus in various ways: from classic cuttings and apical cuttings to the more radical method of dividing the root ball. The choice depends on the size and condition of your mature plant, as well as how many new ficuses you want to obtain.

The main thing is to provide warmth, moisture, and sufficient lighting, as well as to follow watering rules. Follow the recommendations, and your seedlings will quickly turn into beautiful mature ficuses that can enhance any interior!

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