самостійно встановити термопанелі фасадні

Did you know that self-installation of thermal panels can reduce the costs of insulating a house by up to 40%? Today, many people are installing facade thermal panels on their own. This is an economical solution for improving the energy efficiency of their homes.

Self-installation of thermal panels not only helps save money. It also allows complete control over the insulation process of the house. The technology introduced by German specialists 50 years ago is now available to everyone.

In this article, we will reveal all the secrets of self-installing facade thermal panels. You will be able to transform your house into a comfortable and energy-efficient space.

Key Points

  • Reduction of heating costs by up to 40%
  • Ease of self-installation of thermal panels
  • Ability to install on various surfaces
  • Service life of up to 50 years
  • Installation speed (1-3 days)
  • High thermal insulation
  • Savings on professional services

What are facade thermal panels?

Facade thermal panels are a new material for insulating and finishing buildings. They were invented by German specialists over half a century ago. Now they help protect buildings and make them more beautiful.

Thermal panels consist of two layers. The first is insulation, such as polystyrene foam. The second is a decorative coating that can look like brick or stone.

Purpose of thermal panels

Thermal panels perform several important functions:

  • Thermal insulation of the building
  • Protection from weather
  • Decorative finishing
  • Increasing energy efficiency

Advantages of using thermal panels

Installing thermal panels on the facade has many advantages:

Advantage Characteristic
Durability Service life of up to 35 years
Ease of installation Simplicity of self-installation
Economy Significant savings on heating
Stability Withstand temperatures from -30°C to +50°C

How to install thermal panels on the facade is not a difficult task. It is important to follow the installation technology and choose the right materials. The weight of one panel is from 1.5 kg, which helps in installation.

Thermal panels provide not only thermal protection but also give the house a modern aesthetic appearance.

Preparation for installing thermal panels

Successful installation of thermal panels begins with good preparation. Proper preparation will help avoid problems. It will ensure quality insulation of the facade.

Assessment of the facade condition

Before installing thermal panels, it is necessary to carefully inspect the facade. It is important to check:

  • The evenness of the wall
  • The presence of cracks or damage
  • The condition of the old coating
  • The moisture level of the surface

Facade inspection before installing thermal panels

Necessary tools and materials

For installing thermal panels, you will need:

  1. Level
  2. Hammer drill
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Soft spatula
  5. Angle grinder

You will also need additional materials:

  • Mounting foam
  • Dowels
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Frost-resistant grout

Professional preparation is the key to successful installation of thermal panels!

Statistics show that 75% of users installed thermal panels themselves. They noted the high quality of thermal insulation. Proper preparation will help you achieve the best result.

Selecting thermal panels for your house

Choosing the right thermal panels is important for effective insulation and the appearance of the house. The guide will help you make the right choice.

Diversity of thermal panels

There are many types of facade thermal panels on the market. They differ by material:

  • Panels with polystyrene foam
  • Panels with mineral wool
  • Panels with extruded polystyrene

Criteria for quality material

When choosing thermal panels, it is important to pay attention to several parameters:

  1. Density of the insulation (from 1 to 10 kg per square meter)
  2. Quality of layer adhesion
  3. Evenness of the surface
  4. Panel sizes (from 250×250 mm to 600×1000 mm)
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The price of thermal panels starts from 390 UAH/m². This is an affordable price for insulation. The average price is 200-250 UAH per square meter.

It is important to choose thermal panels that are suitable for your climatic conditions and type of building.

Properly selected thermal panels will provide:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Reduction of heating costs by 50-60%
  • Durability (service life of up to 50 years)
  • Protection from moisture and frost

The installation guide will help you insulate your house effectively and economically on your own.

Researching installation requirements

Proper installation of thermal panels is very important. It ensures the durability and effectiveness of insulation. It is important to study the technical aspects well and follow the recommendations.

Preparation for installing thermal panels includes several key points:

  • Studying the manufacturer’s technical documentation
  • Ensuring safe working conditions
  • Preparing the necessary tools and materials

Manufacturer’s instructions: what is important to know

Each manufacturer of thermal panels has unique recommendations for proper installation. These instructions include:

  1. The technology for fastening the panels
  2. Temperature conditions for installation
  3. The sequence of installation operations

Safety standards during work

Proper installation of thermal panels requires strict adherence to safety standards. It is important to use:

  • Protective glasses
  • Work gloves
  • Protective helmet when working at height
  • Special scaffolding or reliable ladders

Safety during the installation of thermal panels is the most important condition for successful and quality work!

Step-by-step installation guide for thermal panels

Self-installation of thermal panels is becoming increasingly popular. How to install thermal panels without a specialist is a question that concerns many. Our guide will help you do everything correctly.


Installing thermal panels includes several stages. They must be performed sequentially and with great attention. This will ensure effective insulation and an attractive appearance for your house.

First stage: surface preparation

It is better to start by cleaning the facade from dirt and old paint. Then check the evenness of the wall. Eliminate irregularities and defects. Apply primer.

  • Cleaning the facade from dirt and old paint
  • Checking the evenness of the wall
  • Eliminating irregularities and defects
  • Priming the surface

Second stage: installing the framework

The framework adds stability and uniform load distribution. Special fasteners are used for this.

Framework material Advantages
Metal profile High strength, easy installation
Wooden framework Ease of installation, low cost

Third stage: installing thermal panels

Installing thermal panels requires attention and precision. How to install thermal panels without a specialist is a question for many.

  1. Applying adhesive to the surface of the framework
  2. Installing panels while ensuring evenness
  3. Fixing panels with dowels
  4. Checking the tightness of the fit

By following these steps, you will be able to install thermal panels on your own.

Securing thermal panels

The technique for installing thermal panels includes fastening and insulation. Proper installation ensures long-term operation and energy efficiency.

Fastening materials for thermal panels

Two types are used for fastening thermal panels:

  • Adhesive connection
  • Mechanical fastening with dowels

Features of using adhesive and dowels

When choosing fastening elements, it is important to be careful. The adhesive should be:

  1. Frost-resistant
  2. Elastic
  3. Resistant to atmospheric effects
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Type of fastening Advantages Features
Adhesive Quick application Suitable for even surfaces
Dowel High mechanical strength Additional fixation of panels

Methods of insulating joints

Sealing the joints between thermal panels is very important. Use special tapes or moisture-resistant foam.

Proper installation reduces heat loss by 20-30%. This provides long-term protection for the facade.

Additional work after installation

The installation of facade thermal panels ends with final operations. They ensure the effectiveness of insulation. Proper execution of these stages will retain heat and protect the facade.

Final finishing of the facade

After installing thermal panels, final finishing is required. The choice of methods depends on the type of panels:

  • Painting with acrylic or silicone paints
  • Applying decorative plaster
  • Additional decorative finishing

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. The right choice of materials will help extend the service life of thermal panels.

Checking for tightness

The installation of facade thermal panels includes checking for tightness. The main steps are:

  1. Inspecting the joints between the panels
  2. Checking the tightness of the fit
  3. Identifying possible micro-cracks
  4. Eliminating minor defects

Process of installing facade thermal panels

Insulation allows reducing heat loss by 70-90%. Insulation materials serve for 30-50 years. This makes thermal panels a profitable long-term solution.

Parameter Value
Cost of thermal panels 150 UAH/m²
Reduction of heat loss 70-90%
Service life 30-50 years

Adhering to the recommendations will ensure the reliability and effectiveness of thermal panels.

Care for thermal panels after installation

After installing thermal panels, it is important to take care of them. Proper care will help them work well and look good.

Care for facade thermal panels

Caring for thermal panels includes several important steps. They help keep them in their original condition:

  • Regular cleaning from dirt and dust
  • Preventive inspection of the surface
  • Checking the condition of fasteners
  • Protection from atmospheric effects

Care recommendations

Following simple rules will help maintain thermal panels:

  1. Clean them at least twice a year
  2. Use gentle cleaning agents
  3. Avoid aggressive chemicals
  4. Check the sealing of joints

Cleaning equipment

Choosing the right equipment is important for preserving thermal panels:

Type of equipment Purpose Usage features
Soft brush Dust removal Gentle movements without pressure
Steam cleaner Deep cleaning Temperature up to 60°C
Garden hose Washing away dirt Low water pressure

It is important to remember that thermal panels can last up to 50 years with proper care and operation.

Common mistakes when installing thermal panels

Installing thermal panels on the facade may seem like a simple task. But without attention to detail, mistakes can be made. Proper installation of thermal panels is an art that requires attention to every detail.

Mistakes in installing thermal panels

Poor choice of materials

When choosing thermal panels, it is important to consider several key factors:

  • Incorrect assessment of the thermal conductivity of materials
  • Ignoring the characteristics of the insulation
  • Neglecting the service life of materials

For example, extruded polystyrene has a thermal conductivity of 0.029-0.034 W/mK. This makes it one of the best options for insulation.

Typical installation mistakes

During the installation of thermal panels on the facade, the following problems often occur:

  1. Poor surface preparation
  2. Incorrect fastening of panels
  3. Violation of the sealing technology of joints

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Pay special attention to each stage of installing thermal panels. Proper installation will ensure long service life and effective thermal insulation of your house.

Remember: quality installation of thermal panels is the key to warmth and comfort in your home!

Conclusion: advantages of self-installation

Self-installation of thermal panels allows you to change the appearance of your house. It not only saves money but also provides satisfaction from the work done.

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By installing thermal panels yourself, you save on specialist services. You will also fully understand how to insulate a house. The installation process is quite simple, even for beginners.

The result of your work is not only an attractive facade. It also increases the energy efficiency of the building. Thermal panels can reduce heating costs by 30%, which is very beneficial.

Last but not least, self-installation of thermal panels is an art. It transforms your space, bringing great satisfaction from the comfort created.


Is it possible to install thermal panels on your own?

Yes, self-installation of thermal panels is possible. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions precisely. You also need to have the necessary tools and adhere to safety rules.Before installation, you should study the installation technology. You also need to prepare the surface.

How long will it take to install thermal panels?

The installation time depends on the area of the facade and the experience of the installer. For a house with an area of 100 sq.m, installation can take from 3 to 7 days.Consider the time for preparation, installation, and final finishing.

What tools are needed for installing thermal panels?

For installation, you will need: a drill, level, utility knife, spatula, hammer, trowel, and tape measure. Protective glasses and gloves are also required.You will need adhesive, dowels, mounting foam, and other auxiliary materials.

What mistakes are most often made during self-installation?

The most common mistakes are poor surface preparation and inadequate leveling of panels. Often, inappropriate adhesive is also used.Insufficient insulation of joints, incorrect fastening at corners and near windows are other mistakes.

How to choose quality thermal panels?

It is important to pay attention to the density of the insulation and the quality of the outer layer. Check if the surface is even.Check compliance certificates and warranty conditions of the manufacturer.

How much does self-installation of thermal panels cost?

The cost of installation depends on the area of the facade and the type of panels. On average, self-installation is 30-50% cheaper than professional installation.

How to care for thermal panels after installation?

Regularly clean the surface with gentle agents. Avoid aggressive chemicals.Once a year, inspect for damage. If necessary, seal the joints.

Are thermal panels suitable for any climate?

Modern thermal panels are suitable for various climates. It is important to choose the right material for local weather conditions.Follow the installation technology.

Can thermal panels be installed on an old facade?

Yes, it is possible. But the surface must be well prepared – remove old coatings, eliminate irregularities, and restore damaged areas.Sometimes it is necessary to additionally level the surface.

What are the advantages of thermal panels compared to other facade systems?

The advantages of thermal panels include ease of installation, high thermal insulation, aesthetic appearance, and durability. They can also be installed independently, with various decorative options.

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