фікус вдома

Ficus is a versatile houseplant that has gained popularity due to its ability to beautify spaces and adapt to various conditions. In this article, we will discuss the main care requirements for ficus, share practical tips on placement, watering, fertilizing, and also discuss how to combat pests and diseases. Whether you are a beginner in growing houseplants or have experience, this guide will help you create a comfortable environment for your ficus and enjoy its beauty for many years.

1. Choosing a Ficus

Obtaining the Plant

  • Buying from a Flower Shop: Potted ficuses are usually well-developed and ready for display, allowing you to enjoy the greenery right away.
  • Seedlings or Seeds: Choosing a young ficus allows you to enjoy the growth process. However, this option requires more patience and knowledge about proper care in the early stages.

Tips for Choosing:

  • Choose plants with healthy leaves free of spots or damage.
  • Pay attention to the root system when buying a seedling – it should not be overcrowded or too tight.

2. Placement of Ficus

Ideal Location

Ficuses are best placed in areas where they receive plenty of filtered light:

  • Near a Window: But without direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Bright Rooms: If natural light is insufficient, you can use special grow lights.


  • Place the ficus to avoid sudden temperature changes – do not put it near air conditioners, heating devices, or cold windows.

3. Care: Watering, Humidity, and Temperature


The correct watering regime is a key aspect of ficus care:

  • Water when the top layer of soil dries out.
  • Use cool or room temperature water.
  • Avoid water stagnation in the pot, which can lead to root rot.
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Air Humidity

Ficus thrives in higher humidity:

  • Placing it near an aquarium or using a humidifier can be beneficial.
  • Regularly misting the leaves helps maintain optimal humidity levels.

Temperature Regime

The ideal temperature for ficus is between 20 and 25°C:

  • Avoid placing the plant near sources of extreme cold or hot heaters.
  • Protect the ficus from drafts, especially during the winter.

4. Fertilizing and Pruning


Regular fertilizing promotes healthy growth:

  • Use a balanced liquid fertilizer or a special fertilizer for ficus.
  • Fertilize the plant monthly during the spring-summer period; in winter, fertilizing can be reduced or temporarily stopped.


Pruning is necessary to maintain shape and stimulate new growth:

  • Remove dry or damaged branches.
  • Use clean and sharp tools for pruning to prevent infections.
  • Regular pruning helps avoid overloading branches and maintain the aesthetic appearance of the plant.

5. Pests and Diseases

Ficuses can suffer from a number of pests and diseases, including:

  • Mealybug
  • Scale Insect
  • Whitefly

How to Prevent Pest Spread:

  • Regularly inspect the plant, especially the underside of the leaves.
  • At the first signs of infestation, use natural insecticides or specialized products.
  • If the problem persists, consult specialists at garden centers.

6. Ficus Care Table

Parameter Recommendations Comment
Light Filtered light, no direct sun Protects leaves from burning
Watering Water as needed: the top layer of soil should dry out Avoid water stagnation to prevent rot
Humidity High humidity, regular misting A humidifier can be used
Temperature 20–25°C Protect from drafts and extreme changes
Fertilizing Monthly in spring and summer, minimal in winter Use fertilizers for houseplants
Pruning As needed: removal of dry/damaged branches Use clean tools
Pests and Diseases Regular inspection, use of natural protection methods In serious cases, consult an expert
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7. Additional Tips for Successful Growing

  • Repotting: Ficus needs repotting every 2-3 years or when the root system fills the pot. Use fresh soil and enough space for the roots.
  • Adaptation: Give the plant time to adapt after repotting or changing its location.
  • Additional Lighting: If you have limited natural light, invest in special plant lights.

8. FAQ

1. Can I keep a ficus next to other houseplants?
Yes, ficus pairs well with other plants. However, consider the light and humidity needs of each plant to avoid conflicting care conditions.

2. How often should I water a ficus?
Water when the top layer of soil dries out. This usually means watering every 7-10 days, but the frequency may vary depending on the temperature and humidity in the room.

3. What fertilizer is best for ficus?
It is recommended to use a balanced liquid fertilizer or a specialized fertilizer for houseplants. Fertilizer is added monthly during the spring-summer period.

4. What should I do if my ficus starts dropping leaves?
Leaf drop can be a sign of overwatering, insufficient light, or pests. Carefully check the care conditions and make adjustments if necessary.

5. How can I prevent pests on my ficus?
Regularly inspect the plant, promptly remove infested areas, and use natural insecticides to help prevent pest spread.


Having a ficus at home is not only a stylish decorative element but also a plant that requires attentive care. By following the advice on placement, watering regime, fertilizing, and pest control, you will create the ideal environment for its growth. Apply the recommendations provided, experiment with placement and care, and your ficus will delight you with its beauty for many years.

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